Useful Sensors
Audio & Music
Security & Privacy

AI in a Box

Your own offline, private, open source LLM for conversations and more

$39,938 raised

of $30,000 goal

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Your very own private AI that you can ask questions and get answers, all in a tiny box! The first AI that you can talk to, and that talks back, running locally with no internet connection so your conversations and data are completely secure. No account, setup, or subscription are needed, just plug in the box and start chatting.

Live Captions

Need closed captions for a live event, or just to help in situations where you have trouble hearing a conversation? We’re using the latest in AI technology to display subtitles based on the audio input, which are output on the built-in display and through an HDMI connector for external monitors or screens.

Conversational AI

Want answers to questions, jokes, stories, or just want to chat to pass the time? AI in a Box lets you talk to a large language model (LLM) running locally on the device, and it will talk back. Get the power of modern AI on your coffee table, all with no setup or API fees.

Live Translation

Translate between multiple major languages on the fly. Select the source and destination languages and you’ll see split-screen captions showing the original input and the results of machine translation.

Air-Gapped Privacy

The software itself runs entirely locally, so no information is ever shared outside of the device. With no Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, the only way to access the device is by plugging in a physical keyboard or an Ethernet cable. This removes the possibility of remote attacks, and makes it suitable for use with sensitive conversations or material.

Voice Keyboard

Attach a USB Type-C data cable (not supplied) to any device that can take keyboard input, and the content of any nearby conversations will be entered as keystrokes, as if they were being dictated. This allows the box to become part of a larger system, for example by connecting to a Raspberry Pi that takes in the transcript and controls a robot or sculpture based on the content.

Open Source

AI in a Box is built on a foundation of open source models like Whisper and Llama2. In the same vein, we are releasing all the code to accelerate and control the system under an open source license. You can already see our library for optimized transformer inference on the RockChip NPU. This transparency should help with security and privacy auditing, and will allow developers to use the system as a base to build their own real-time voice input applications in Python.

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Produced by Useful Sensors in Mountain View, CA.

Sold and shipped by Crowd Supply.

AI in a Box

This all-in-one, pre-assembled box is ready to start listening and talking as soon as you plug in power. The custom enclosure houses the display, microphone, speaker, and smarts. This box does not require a network connection and does not have any wireless capabilities. Power adapter included.

$359 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide

About the Team

Useful Sensors

 ·   · 

We build AI interfaces for everyday objects.

Pete Warden
Manjunath Kudlur
Nat Jeffries
Ali Zartash
James Wang
Laura Jefferson
Guy Nicholson
Terry Merschat
William Meng

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