
A single-board x86 personal server for cyber natives

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Feb 27, 2024

Power Adapter Recommendations

Dear ZimaBlade Backers, Some of you have shown interest in which power supply to use with ZimaBlade for the highest level of performance. Thank you for your patience. We quickly did some research and compatibility testing and came up with the following recommendations: Read the full update.

Jan 30, 2024

Ready for Dispatch!

Dear ZimaBlade Backers, We've heard a lot of questions from the community about ZimaBlade shipments, we are thrilled to share some exciting news regarding the shipment of ZimaBlade. Read the full update.

Dec 19, 2023

Community Builds, Validation, and Production Timeline

We have some great community builds to share, as well as instructions for running TrueNAS and a production status report. Read the full update.

Nov 14, 2023

ZimaOS Open Beta and Latest Progress

The 200-piece trial production run has completed. We plan to start the first mass production run this month. Alongside the manufacturing of ZimaBlade, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of software development. We are thrilled to introduce our Pro version OS product: ZimaOS! Read the full update.

Oct 24, 2023

Production Progress & Retro-Gaming

We conducted thorough testing of several classic retro-games on our earliest sample units. Find out how it went! Read the full update.

Oct 11, 2023

Introduction to CasaOS & Campaign Extension

We've been hard at work improving CasaOS, your personal cloud OS that comes preinstalled on ZimaBlade. We also have a lot more to show off, so are extending the campaign to the end of the month. Read the full update.

Oct 03, 2023

Trial Production Run Complete & More Video Reviews

The reviews continue to pour in, and our first small production batch has come out! Read the full update.

Sep 27, 2023

Video Reviews & Pre-Production PCB Pics

While reviews of ZimaBlade have started coming in, we've been busy getting ZimaBlade ready for production. Read the full update.

Sep 21, 2023

Community FAQ

ZimaBlade grows and improves with community involvement! In first two weeks of after ZimaBlade launched, we received great feedback from our community. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and provided answers to address them. Read the full update.

Sep 01, 2023

Our Campaign is Now Live!

We are pleased to announce the launch of the ZimaBlade Crowd Supply campaign! Our team has dedicated significant effort to ensure that ZimaBlade suits the needs of all cyber natives. Read the full update.

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