ScoutMakes Bluetooth Fun

Open source, CircuitPython-compatible, Bluetooth-enabled STEM electronics kits

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Mar 04, 2021

Shipping Soon!

We sent our final bulk shipment to Mouser, who will soon begin shipping out your orders! It has been a tremendous experience birthing this idea and, with your help, presenting it to the world. THANK YOU! Read the full update.

Feb 18, 2021

Final Kitting & Packaging!

We finally received our shipment! Yay!!! We've been busy with the final kitting and packaging, but we wanted to provide a quick update. Thank you again for your patience while we get these orders shipped. Read the full update.

Feb 08, 2021

Manufacturing Is Complete but Shipping Is Delayed

We've been working feverishly with our contract manufacturer (CM) in Shenzhen China to get all of the ScoutMakes kits manufactured and shipped. The shipment is on its way, and we expect to receive it by the end of the week. Unfortunately, that means we will not hit our initial shipping estimate of February 11th. We truly regret the delay, but we've had to push the estimate back to March 11th. This update also includes pictures of the boards before they left Shenzhen, pictures of other components, and news about about our CircuitPython library and sample code, which are now published on GitHub. Read the full update.

Jan 08, 2021

Manufacturing Arrangements, Bluetooth Modules, Batteries, and Donations

Production progress, sourcing successes and more. We've been busy! This update will get you caught up on all our activities. Read the full update.

Dec 10, 2020

Packaging & FM Radio Module Library

We are incredibly excited to announce that we have met our funding goal!! Your support made this project a reality, so THANK YOU for helping us along. Now the hard part begins as we work to get all orders out to our backers on time. We've already begun making arrangements with our CM in China to start things rolling. In this update, we talk about our packaging designs, the CircuitPython library for our FM Radio module, and our recent appearance on Adafruit's weekly show. Read the full update.

Dec 07, 2020

Assembly Videos!

It's our last week, and we're almost there! This post includes a brief manufacturing update and two up-close-and-personal assembly videos, one for each of our two Bluetooth Fun kits: the FM Radio Kit and the Robot Kit. Read the full update.

Dec 03, 2020

Our Test Jigs

We wanted to provide an update regarding our previously mentioned plans for building a test jig. Well, we received the PCBs and were able to assemble and test them. And the good news is, they work great! Read the full update.

Nov 17, 2020

Campaign and Development Progress

Here's an update on the campaign's progress and a look at some of our testing and manufacturing jigs. Read the full update for all the details. Read the full update.

Nov 05, 2020

Design Improvements

One week in, and we've already hit 25% of our funding goal. Woohoo! Thanks to all of you who've supported the project so far. This update highlights a few of the things we've been up to since we launched. In addition to doing outreach for the campaign, we've been busy making design tweaks. Read the full update.

Oct 29, 2020

Our Campaign is Live!

We are super excited to be sharing our passion for STEM learning with the world by launching the ScoutMakes line of kits. We are offering two self-contained, OSHWA-certified open hardware, battery-powered, Bluetooth-enabled kits: the ScoutMakes FM Radio Kit and the ScoutMakes Robot Kit. Both kits let you have fun while exploring the world of electronics. Come check them out! Read the full update.

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