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View Purchasing OptionsLike bald eagles and beavers, the parts that hold your dice in place mate for life. Do not put the top onto the box until you are ready to lock your dice in place forever. Read the full update.
After being delayed by the severe weather and power outages in Texas last week, the DiceKeys arrived at Crowd Supply's warehouse last week. Outgoing orders may still see some delays, but the expected delivery dates have been updated accordingly. This update also includes information on the App updates, product errata, how to get updates from us, and how to report problems once you start using DiceKeys. Read the full update.
Your DiceKeys and Stickeys are now in Texas (after being stuck in bad weather in Chicago) and are expected to arrive at Crowd Supply's Texas distribution center by Monday. Read the full update for where to get even more frequent updates, app news, what's happening, and what's new! Read the full update.
The DiceKey hardware components have all been produced, are being packaged together, and are scheduled to ship to Crowd Supply's distribution center next week. We are now fully focused on readying the software. Click through to the full update for lots of information about shipping and software updates. Read the full update.
Good news! The dice, box, and bags are all currently in production and the last hardware item for us to wrap up is the assembly instruction sheet. Also, thanks to everyone who contributed to our survey for our logos. We finalized on these, using a die to dot the "i". Finally, we've been holding off on fixing platform-specific bugs in the web-based implementation while we get the iOS and Android implementations ready. We'll be re-engaging with beta testers as those apps come online. Check out the full update to learn more. Read the full update.
With the close of the campaign, we've sent orders out to manufacturing. We didn't encounter any hardware problems during the beta, so the only change to the hardware shared with beta testers is that our production dice will be less glossy to reduce glare while scanning. The most important remaining production issue to finalize is the instruction label to be attached to the lid of the box. Also, i've created a website that not only documents the API, but allows you to test it out in real time. Read the full update.
Over 400 backers responded to last week's one-question survey, and roughly three out of four asked for stickers for backing up DiceKeys. So we are giving our backers a free STICKEY set with every DiceKey ordered during the campaign, including to backers who squeeze in before Thursday's campaign deadline! Read the full update.
We have shipped test DiceKeys to everyone who joined our beta test program. We have also made a few app updates. The app will now inform users if it is unable to access a camera case and encourage them to correct this. We have also fixed a number of bugs that caused scanning to fail on Safari and some mobile browsers. Finally, we may be able to provide a free add-on to our backers. To help us prioritize this, please fill out the one-question survey in this update. Read the full update.
Thanks to everyone who came to last week's AMA (ask me anything). Beta DiceKeys have been shipped to everyone who joined our beta program, and we have news about DiceKeys App updates! Be sure to read the full update for interesting details. Read the full update.
Please join our AMA (ask me anything) **TODAY** September 2nd at 5PM eastern, 2PM pacific, which is 6AM the next morning at DiceKeys HQ (KST). Select attendees will be invited to participate in our beta program and receive free beta hardware. Here's the Invite link: Read the full update.
We're so grateful for the amazing reception our campaign has received and so excited to see our first update reach > 1 kilobackers. If you're wondering when your DiceKey(s) will arrive, read on, including for a chance to be part of our beta program and receive a free test DiceKey as early as September. Read the full update.
It's been a frantic rush to produce our introductory video and polish our launch materials for this campaign, so allow me to use this update to take a step back. I'll share our product's history, our values, and how those values are reflected in our business model. Read on for a launch announcement rich in detail, and be sure to check out the campaign! Read the full update.